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Dwarrowdeep - Report And Review

A couple of days ago I started Dwarrowdeep. I’ve read through the whole book and played a couple of sessions with my players. This is a report of those two sessions and a “review” (in quotes since I didn’t play through the whole book) of the latest Gillespie’s module. If you don’t care about the play report feel free to skip to the end where you will find the review portion of the article.


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The Tower Of The Stargazer (1/2)

Have been waiting huh? Yes it’s been a long while, but when my most read content is still the Curse Of Strahd guide I don’t feel that motivated. Also things happened, work started, personal life. But here we are, back again, this time with a Tower Of The Stargazer oneshot.


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Using Clocks To Fill The World

I’m not sure Powered By The Apocalypse invented clocks, but it sure helped popolarize them. This post aims at implementing and using clocks in any hexcrawl game to add depth to an otherwhise bi-dimensional exploration.


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An Unbalanced Balance

One of the key points of the OSR movement is that encounters don’t have to be balance (note: that doesn’t mean they have to be unbalanced). How does it work and why do we do that?

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The Psychotropic Adventure

A friend of mine suggested to me an adventure where players are tripping as balls after eating some mushrooms in the forest. Here’s a tentative of translating this into written form.


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The Drunk Rats - A Mauseritter Report

Finally, the moment has come! The eternal DM curse was broken and I got to play. Seriously though, I have played like 10 games in the past 5 years, so it’s always good to be on the player side for once. This time it was a session of Mauseritter, a oneshot campaign taken from the starter book.


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The Long Tunnels

Up and down, left and right, remember this concept didn’t exist for the Vehina. They only had the concept of the great sun below, and everything was drawn to him. This meant that the structure of the dungeon is supposed to be jarring, disorienting and confusing.

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Scrolls And Pouches

A simple, classless, TTRPG focused on item advancement and dungeon exploration played using 6-sided dice

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